About us

Russell Cox ID Cartoon.png

"Join us, living our lives well"


Regenesis Fitness

Our gym operates in much the same way as a personal training studio, though we have much more room to move and you don't need to be engaged in regular personal training to use the facilities.  Regenesis Fitness members enjoy a relaxed studio atmosphere, with our no lock in membership just under $50.00 per fortnight.

Training at Regenesis Fitness is always comfortable and the floor plan is designed with client service in mind. The 300 sqm of training space is open plan, with a mixture of traditional pin loaded  machines and free weights. There are 14 cardio vascular stations and open floor space to accommodate your own particular style of training. 

For access to the club, for both personal training (paid seperately) or your own unsupervised training, memberships are available by weekly subscription or prepayment. 

Be it one on one, in a small group,or your own self managed work out, staff and members work together with you to facilitate an enjoyable and efficient training session.

Seeing our members "living life well" is our goal. At Regenesis Fitness we achieve this by providing client focused, exercise programming and personal training services on a pay per session basis. Exercise Physiology appointments for injury rehabilitation and managing ongoining health issues is availble trhough Longevity Exercise Physiology. These services, along with reasonably priced and flexible access memberships makes Regenesis the ideal fitness training venue for local residents of Edgecliff and Woollahra.


Staffed Hours



Monday to Friday

7am to 11am

and by appointment.


Monday to Thursday

4.30pm to 6.30 pm


During our staffed hours the club is accessible for non-members. Please ring the doorbell, next to the handle on the left hand door, at our New South Head Road entrance. If you would like to have a tour or talk about membership, please feel free to drop in during these times. All our trainers work by appointment so bear in mind we might be busy helping someone, or in the middle of a personal training session. Why not contact us at the tab above, so we can set aside some time to talk.

Members  Entry


 7 days per week

  from 5am to 9.45pm

You may enter the club up to 9.45pm using your access token and then complete your workout at your leisure. You cannot access the club between 9.45pm and 5am.


Monday to Friday 7am - 11am by appointment


Monday to Thursday 4.30pm - 6.30pm

"early bird access starts at 5am"

"arrive before 9.45pm and stay as late as you like"


Our membership token, both registers your attendance on our database and provides access to the facility through the automated front doors.

Membership token (Fob) holders, with current memberships or prepaid visit passes will be provided entry to the facility.

Business History

Re - Genesis Health Club started trading in early 1990's out of the Georges centre in Cross St Double Bay.

With fewer fitness options available than today, clients travelled from as far as Vaucluse, Dover Heights, Centennial Park and Rushcutters Bay for the more relaxed and professional atmosphere that Regenesis provided with full time tertiary qualified trainers.

Since then the business has relocated twice, once due to the redevelopment of the Georges centre and the second time was a move up to a the newly renovated Edgecliff post office building in which Regenesis Fitness resides today.

Keeping up with the ever changing landscape of the fitness industry, has seen Regenesis Fitness management, restructure the business considerably over the last 10 years. Regenesis Fitness has been transformed from a traditionally laid out and fully staffed gym with limited opening hours to a long trading, open 7 day a week studio style gym that specialises in rehabilitation and personal training.

Owner Russell Cox is a veteran of the fitness industry, having served 10 years as operations manager of Regenesis Health & Fitness before purchasing the business in March 2008. 

Russell is a true owner operator, being on premesis 5 days a week attending to his Edgecliff personal training clients, taking facility tours and getting new members started on their fitness journey.



My Story



Russell Cox

Regenesis Fitness Director

I am a fitness professional with a unique perspective on training and exercise. I understand the obstacles people face when they start the long road back from severe de-conditioning, a major illness, an accident or surgery, having myself suffered a dissecting aortic aneurysm in 2007.


Growing up in the Northern Suburbs of Sydney, like so many other kids I had dreams of playing sport for my country. Initially cricket and then Rugby league and Rugby Union. Physical fitness and athletics were also things that I enjoyed and showed some ability in. These interests lead me to enrol to study physical education teaching at university.  Suffering a dislocated shoulder, playing Rugby league helped me realise that whilst I loved the rugby codes, they were not games that held much future for me as a player. A lunchtime social game of touch football at university started a ten year journey which eventually saw me representing Australia in the 30+ age division at the 2003 Touch World Cup in Japan.


During this time, I completed my studies and began full time work in the fitness industry, quickly progressing to managing the Regenesis Health Club in Double Bay.  Health, fitness and sport, now played a very large role in my life and I was being rewarded with progressing through the ranks of representative teams in my chosen sport and building a loyal base of personal training clients.  The second serious injury of my life occurred in 2005 in the form of a ruptured anterior cruciate ligament in my left knee. Initially misdiagnosed, this required a hamstring tendon graft reconstruction and nine months of rehabilitation.


Despite this setback I was determined to return to playing the game I loved and aimed for selection for an interstate competition for my age division, now 35 and over. With the selection trials only seven months after my surgery it was pushing the boundaries but I was hopeful and worked hard at my rehab every day. Unfortunately, I was unsuccessful in gaining a position on the team, but undeterred I refocused on gaining selection for the following year’s Touch World Cup in South Africa.


By the middle of 2008, I had competed in another successful Australian team at the Touch World Cup and married my wonderful South African born wife, Erica on a game farm not far from Johannesburg. Things were going really well for me: My personal training business was consistent, I held a respected position as manager of Regenesis Health Club, had achieved some lifelong sporting ambitions and had met and married my soulmate(who also loves sport). Having convinced Erica to relocate to Sydney, we had plans for starting a family, and of course I was fit and healthy. Or so I thought.


Sitting down at my desk one day that year I had a sudden choking sensation, that just wouldn’t go away. Thank fully Erica, who is also a fitness professional and co-owner of Regenesis Fitness today, was with me and promptly called our GP and then the Ambulance.


Later that night I underwent fourteen hours of open heart surgery to replace the ascending arch of my aorta and my aortic valve. Lucky to be alive,(thanks to the efforts of Dr Emily Granger and her team at St Vincents Hospital) the following months consisted of many, many hours of rehabilitation and serious soul searching. I am eternally grateful to Erica, for her quick thinking and immense patience, during the initial phases of recovery and for her ongoing faith in me.


Since my surgery, it has taken nearly nine years to overcome the fear of setting future goals.


Erica and I now have a family, with two wonderful boys Daniel and Mitchell. We own a business, and are paying off our home and an investment property. Erica is now studying full time to become a sonographer.


My fitness is an ongoing struggle, but my motivation is for my health and for my longevity, so that I can get to see my sons grow up. I want to repay the faith that my wife Erica has shown in me and to overcome this setback, so that we can both grow stronger together and enjoy a happy life, like we promised each other we would.


My exercise and health philosophy has been forged by my experiences before and after my surgeries.

“what makes me unique as a fitness professional is my extensive and personal understanding of training with limited intensity"

"I understand the frustration and the demotivating effect that slower results and everyday life (running a business, looking after children and supporting a partner studying full time) can have on individuals attempting to make positive lifestyle choices for their health and  longevity.”

Frustration and decreased motivation due to health or injury related training limitations are common in older adults and rehabilitation clients, who make up the majority of our client base. Understanding how to work through such issues and achieve results is crucial. Even more important is understanding their motives for recovery and ongoing well-being.


At Regenesis we work within your limitations but we refuse to let you be defined by them.